<p>The "Specify HTTP Details" screen allows you to configure transport information for the current Access Point definition. Transport configuration options are derived from the service binding.</p><p>The "Service Details" section displays the "Service Type" and "Service Name" of the service associated with the current Access Point definition. These fields are Policy Manager-specific.</p><p>The "Binding Details" section displays the "Binding Type" and "Binding" associated with the service access point definition. The "Binding Type" is a Policy Manager-specific field. The "Binding" represents the wsdl:binding element in the Service Descriptor Document.</p><p>The "Access Point Details" section displays the "WSDL Port Name" and "Description." The "WSDL Port Name" represents the wsdl:port element in the Service Descriptor Document. The "Description" represents the wsdl:documentation element in the Service Descriptor Document. The "Description" field is optional.</p><p>If your binding includes an HTTP transport a custom HTTP configuration the HTTP Details section displays. This section allows you to enter Host Name or IP, Port, and Path for the URL you would like assigned to the Access Point. In the "URL" text box enter the Host Name or IP, Port, and Path for the HTTP or HTTPS protocol type. Then, click the radio button of the "Protocol Version" you would like assigned to the Access Point. Options include HTTP 1.1 (default) or HTTP 1.0). </p><p>After completing your entries, click "Finish."</p>
Specify HTTP Details
<p>The "Specify HTTP Details" screen allows you to configure transport information for the current Access Point definition. Transport configuration options are derived from the service binding.</p><p>The "Service Details" section displays the "Service Type" and "Service Name" of the service associated with the current Access Point definition. These fields are Policy Manager-specific.</p><p>The "Binding Details" section displays the "Binding Type" and "Binding" associated with the service access point definition. The "Binding Type" is a Policy Manager-specific field. The "Binding" represents the wsdl:binding element in the Service Descriptor Document.</p><p>The "Access Point Details" section displays the "WSDL Port Name" and "Description." The "WSDL Port Name" represents the wsdl:port element in the Service Descriptor Document.</p>If your binding includes an HTTP transport a custom HTTP configuration the HTTP Details section displays. This section displays the Listener Address, Virtual Host, and Location. The Virtual Host field allows you to specify an additional domain name that is used for accessing the service endpoint. This field is optional. The Location field allows you to specify a unique location used to access the current virtual service in the container. The "Location" is combined with the Listener Address to form an Access Point URL. It is recommended not to use the default Location (/) to avoid potential location resolution conflicts.<p></p><p>After completing your entries, click "Next" to continue. If the current operation is the last in the sequence, the "Finish" button displays. </p>
Specify HTTP Details
<p>The "Configure HTTP Binding Properties" screen provides functionality that allows you to define the HTTP method and URI pattern for your HTTP operations.</p><p>The "Binding Details" section displays the "Interface QName," "Binding QName," and "Binding Type" for the current binding definition. </p><p>The "Binding Properties" section includes properties that apply to the Service Descriptor Document operations within an HTTP binding. </p><p>The "Method" is a dropdown list-box that allows you to map to the HTTP method that must be used at runtime when formulating an HTTP request message. Options include GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, OPTIONS, HEAD, and PATCH. </p><p>The "Path" is a text field that allows you to specify a location attribute that can be used to map portions of an HTTP request URI to portions of a Service Descriptor Document input message. The specified syntax must match the inbound URI pattern. For example, if the HTTP URL looks similar to http://endpoint/context/quotes/xyz where xyz is a variable, then the URI syntax would be /quotes/&#123;var&#125;. The URI can contain multiple variables denoted by &#123;&#125;. This field is optional.</p><p>The "Content Type" fields provides a place to put a content type that supports different message processing requirements for Input, Output, and Fault messages. You may type in a content type, or select one from the list that appears when you start typing. Content types must follow the format &lt;type&gt;/&lt;subtype&gt;. ex. text/csv.</p><p>The "Input Content Type" option is used to describe the content type of the Request Message. If a value of application/x-www-form-urlencoded is chosen, it assumes one of two things. 1) If the request message is a GET or DELETE, the query string contains items that are appended to the resulting XML message. 2) If the request message is a PUT or POST, the body contains a URL encoded string whose elements are appended to the resulting XML message. If an XML content type is chosen (ex. text/xml), it assumes that the body contains the whole XML message. The default input content type is "none".</p><p>The "Output Content Type" option is used to describe the content type of the response message when it is not a fault. The Container uses the Output Content to correctly set the content type of the response sent back to the consumer when the response is not a fault. The default output content type is "none".</p><p>The "Fault Content Type" option is used to describe the content type of the response message when it is a fault. The Container uses the Fault Content to correctly set the content type of the response sent back to the consumer when the response is a fault. The default fault content type is "none".</p><p>The "Operation Parameters" section allows you to define message parts for the IN message. You can edit the Name column. The "Type" column allows you to assign Body, Form, Header, Path, or Query. </p><p>The "Operation Parameters" section allows you to assign a Type (Body, Form, Header, Path, or Query), to each Operation Parameter.</p><p>After completing your entries, click "Next" to continue. If the current operation is the last in the sequence, the "Finish" button displays.</p>
Configure HTTP Binding Properties
No operations exist for this binding.
Please check all operations for field level error messages.
Update binding error.
Fault Content Type
Input Content Type
Invalid URL: {0}. {1}
Invalid URL. URL must start with 'http://' or 'https://'
Query parameters not supported in the Location URL.
This is not a Service Descriptor Document based access point.
Output Content Type
Select an option for part type
Protocol Version
HTTP Information
Use Service PKI for inbound HTTPS