PUT /api/apis/versions/{APIVersionID}/oauthdetails

Adds or modifies the OAuth details for the specified API version. Supports multiple OAuth Providers.

Authorization Roles/Permissions: Must be logged in. Must have permission to modify the API; an API Admin or Business Admin.

This topic includes the following sections:

HTTP Method




Sample Request

The example below adds the OAuth details with multiple OAuth providers.

Sample request URL


Sample request headers

PUT /api/apis/versions/a7ece9ef-e4cd-4bac-9868-31fde66c516e/oauthdetails HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json
Content-Type: application/vnd.soa.v2019+json
X-Csrf-Token_acmepaymentscorp: TokenID%3D8ed70a13-8469-11e8-b37a-b155e4eabeb8%2CexpirationTime%3D153...

Sample request body: with API-wide scopes and a third-party OAuth provider

  "APIVersionID" : "a7ece9ef-e4cd-4bac-9868-31fde66c516e.acmepaymentscorp",
  "APIID" : "09e0e3b0-066e-4122-990c-e3ca325282e7.acmepaymentscorp",
  "Name" : "v1",
  "Description" : "This is a sample server Petstore server.  You can find out more about Swagger at [http://swagger.io](http://swagger.io) or on [irc.freenode.net, #swagger](http://swagger.io/irc/).  For this sample, you can use the api key `special-key` to test the authorization filters.",
  "Environment" : "Production",
  "Type" : "shttp",
  "Tag" : [ ],
  "ProductionEndpoint" : "http://api10069live.localhost:7901/",
  "SandboxEndpoint" : "http://api10069sandbox.localhost:7901/",
  "ProductionEndpointOAuthDetailsList" : [ {
    "OAuthProvider" : "Oauth1",
    "OAuth10aSupported" : true,
    "OAuth20Supported" : true,
    "Resource" : [ "Scope1", "profile" ]
  }, {
    "OAuthProvider" : "OAuth2",
    "OAuth10aSupported" : true,
    "OAuth20Supported" : true,
    "Resource" : [ "Scope1", "profile" ]
  }, {
    "OAuthProvider" : "Okta",
    "OAuth10aSupported" : false,
    "OAuth20Supported" : true,
    "Resource" : [ "Scope1", "profile" ]
  }, {
    "OAuthProvider" : "com.soa.oauth.provider.third-party",
    "OAuth20Settings" : {
      "AuthorizationEndpointURL" : "http://google.com",
      "TokenEndpointURL" : "http://google.coma",
      "TokenEndpointRequestVerb" : "POST",
      "BearerTokenMethods" : {
        "BearerTokenMethod" : [ "com.soa.oauth.bearer.token.method.auz.header", "com.soa.oauth.bearer.token.method.form.param", "com.soa.oauth.bearer.token.method.url.query.param" ]
    "OAuthTokenResourceURISettings" : {
      "OAuthTokenResourceURIOption" : "com.soa.oauth.token.resource.uri.proxy.url"
    "SupportedGrant" : [ "authorization_code", "client_credentials" ],
    "ClientAuthPolicyOption" : [ "com.soa.oauth.client.public" ],
    "OAuth10aSupported" : true,
    "OAuth10aSettings" : {
      "RequestTokenEndpointURL" : "http://google.comb",
      "AuthorizationEndpointURL" : "http://google.comc",
      "AccessTokenEndpointURL" : "http://google.comd",
      "TokenEndpointRequestVerb" : "POST",
      "TokenParameterTransmissionMethods" : {
        "TokenParameterTransmissionMethod" : [ "com.soa.oauth.token.parameter.transmission.method.header", "com.soa.oauth.token.parameter.transmission.method.post", "com.soa.oauth.token.parameter.transmission.method.querystring" ]
    "OAuth20Supported" : true,
    "Resource" : [ "Scope1", "profile" ],
    "AuthorizationEndpointParameters" : {
      "Parameter" : [ "abc", "def" ]
    "TokenEndpointParameters" : {
      "Parameter" : [ "ghi" ]
  } ],
  "SandboxEndpointOAuthDetailsList" : [ {
    "OAuthProvider" : "Oauth1",
    "OAuth10aSupported" : true,
    "OAuth20Supported" : true,
    "Resource" : [ "Scope1", "profile" ]
  }, {
    "OAuthProvider" : "OAuth2",
    "OAuth10aSupported" : true,
    "OAuth20Supported" : true,
    "Resource" : [ "Scope1", "profile" ]
  }, {
    "OAuthProvider" : "Okta",
    "OAuth10aSupported" : false,
    "OAuth20Supported" : true,
    "Resource" : [ "Scope1", "profile" ]
  }, {
    "OAuthProvider" : "com.soa.oauth.provider.third-party",
    "OAuth20Settings" : {
      "AuthorizationEndpointURL" : "http://google.com",
      "TokenEndpointURL" : "http://google.coma",
      "TokenEndpointRequestVerb" : "POST",
      "BearerTokenMethods" : {
        "BearerTokenMethod" : [ "com.soa.oauth.bearer.token.method.auz.header", "com.soa.oauth.bearer.token.method.form.param", "com.soa.oauth.bearer.token.method.url.query.param" ]
    "OAuthTokenResourceURISettings" : {
      "OAuthTokenResourceURIOption" : "com.soa.oauth.token.resource.uri.proxy.url"
    "SupportedGrant" : [ "authorization_code", "client_credentials" ],
    "ClientAuthPolicyOption" : [ "com.soa.oauth.client.public" ],
    "OAuth10aSupported" : true,
    "OAuth10aSettings" : {
      "RequestTokenEndpointURL" : "http://google.comb",
      "AuthorizationEndpointURL" : "http://google.comc",
      "AccessTokenEndpointURL" : "http://google.comd",
      "TokenEndpointRequestVerb" : "POST",
      "TokenParameterTransmissionMethods" : {
        "TokenParameterTransmissionMethod" : [ "com.soa.oauth.token.parameter.transmission.method.header", "com.soa.oauth.token.parameter.transmission.method.post", "com.soa.oauth.token.parameter.transmission.method.querystring" ]
    "OAuth20Supported" : true,
    "Resource" : [ "Scope1", "profile" ],
    "AuthorizationEndpointParameters" : {
      "Parameter" : [ "abc", "def" ]
    "TokenEndpointParameters" : {
      "Parameter" : [ "ghi" ]
  } ],
  "Operations" : {
    "Operation" : [ {
      "Name" : "getPetById",
      "Method" : "GET",
      "Path" : "/pet/{petId}",
      "InputContentType" : "*/*",
      "OutputContentType" : "application/json,application/xml",
      "FaultContentType" : "",
      "Input" : [ {
        "Name" : "petId",
        "Type" : "path"
      } ],
      "InterfaceQName" : "{PetAPI_1.0.0}PetAPI_PortType_0",
      "WsdlOperationName" : "getPetById"
    }, {
      "Name" : "updatePetWithForm",
      "Method" : "POST",
      "Path" : "/pet/{petId}",
      "InputContentType" : "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
      "OutputContentType" : "application/json,application/xml",
      "FaultContentType" : "",
      "Input" : [ {
        "Name" : "petId",
        "Type" : "path"
      }, {
        "Name" : "name",
        "Type" : "form"
      }, {
        "Name" : "status",
        "Type" : "form"
      } ],
      "InterfaceQName" : "{PetAPI_1.0.0}PetAPI_PortType_0",
      "WsdlOperationName" : "updatePetWithForm"
    }, {
      "Name" : "deletePet",
      "Method" : "DELETE",
      "Path" : "/pet/{petId}",
      "InputContentType" : "*/*",
      "OutputContentType" : "*/*",
      "FaultContentType" : "",
      "Input" : [ {
        "Name" : "petId",
        "Type" : "path"
      } ],
      "InterfaceQName" : "{PetAPI_1.0.0}PetAPI_PortType_0",
      "WsdlOperationName" : "deletePet"
    }, {
      "Name" : "findPetsByStatus",
      "Method" : "GET",
      "Path" : "/pet/findByStatus",
      "InputContentType" : "*/*",
      "OutputContentType" : "application/json,application/xml",
      "FaultContentType" : "",
      "Input" : [ {
        "Name" : "status",
        "Type" : "query"
      } ],
      "InterfaceQName" : "{PetAPI_1.0.0}PetAPI_PortType_0",
      "WsdlOperationName" : "findPetsByStatus"
    }, {
      "Name" : "updatePet",
      "Method" : "PUT",
      "Path" : "/pet/",
      "InputContentType" : "application/json,application/xml",
      "OutputContentType" : "application/json,application/xml",
      "FaultContentType" : "",
      "Input" : [ {
        "Name" : "body",
        "Type" : "entity"
      } ],
      "InterfaceQName" : "{PetAPI_1.0.0}PetAPI_PortType_0",
      "WsdlOperationName" : "updatePet"
    }, {
      "Name" : "addPet",
      "Method" : "POST",
      "Path" : "/pet/",
      "InputContentType" : "application/json,application/xml",
      "OutputContentType" : "application/json,application/xml",
      "FaultContentType" : "",
      "Input" : [ {
        "Name" : "body",
        "Type" : "entity"
      } ],
      "InterfaceQName" : "{PetAPI_1.0.0}PetAPI_PortType_0",
      "WsdlOperationName" : "addPet"
    }, {
      "Name" : "findPetsByTags",
      "Method" : "GET",
      "Path" : "/pet/findByTags",
      "InputContentType" : "*/*",
      "OutputContentType" : "application/json,application/xml",
      "FaultContentType" : "",
      "Input" : [ {
        "Name" : "tags",
        "Type" : "query"
      } ],
      "InterfaceQName" : "{PetAPI_1.0.0}PetAPI_PortType_0",
      "WsdlOperationName" : "findPetsByTags"
    } ]
  "Endpoints" : {
    "Endpoint" : [ {
      "CName" : "api10069live.localhost",
      "Category" : "Production",
      "Uri" : "http://api10069live.localhost:7901/",
      "DeploymentZoneRule" : "21e6a509-1a41-411f-a82c-395bb969default-http0",
      "ConnectionProperties" : [ {
        "Name" : "virtualHost",
        "Value" : "api10069live.localhost"
      }, {
        "Name" : "gateway_hostname",
        "Value" : "api10069live.localhost"
      }, {
        "Name" : "visibility",
        "Value" : "public"
      } ],
      "BindingQName" : "{PetAPI_1.0.0}PetAPI_Binding_0",
      "BindingType" : "binding.http",
      "EndpointKey" : "uddi:b5668760-a748-11e9-ba71-d0c88adc4934",
      "EndpointImplementationDetails" : {
        "DeploymentZoneEndpoint" : {
          "DeploymentZoneID" : "21e6a509-1a41-411f-a82c-395bb969.acmepaymentscorp",
          "EndpointKey" : "uddi:b5668760-a748-11e9-ba71-d0c88adc4934",
          "ListenerName" : "default-http0",
          "ContainerKey" : "21e6a509-1a41-411f-a82c-395bb969",
          "GatewayHostName" : "api10069live.localhost",
          "GatewayHostPath" : "/",
          "EndpointHostName" : "api10069live.localhost",
          "EndpointPath" : "/",
          "Protocol" : "http",
          "Path" : "/",
          "Url" : "http://api10069live.localhost:7901/",
          "BindingQName" : "{PetAPI_1.0.0}PetAPI_Binding_0",
          "BindingType" : "binding.http",
          "Public" : true
      "ImplementationCode" : "Live"
    }, {
      "CName" : "api10069sandbox.localhost",
      "Category" : "Sandbox",
      "Uri" : "http://api10069sandbox.localhost:7901/",
      "DeploymentZoneRule" : "21e6a509-1a41-411f-a82c-395bb969default-http0",
      "ConnectionProperties" : [ {
        "Name" : "virtualHost",
        "Value" : "api10069sandbox.localhost"
      }, {
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        "Value" : "api10069sandbox.localhost"
      }, {
        "Name" : "visibility",
        "Value" : "public"
      } ],
      "BindingQName" : "{PetAPI_1.0.0}PetAPI_Binding_0",
      "BindingType" : "binding.http",
      "EndpointKey" : "uddi:127fb0c3-a749-11e9-ba71-d0c88adc4934",
      "EndpointImplementationDetails" : {
        "DeploymentZoneEndpoint" : {
          "DeploymentZoneID" : "21e6a509-1a41-411f-a82c-395bb969.acmepaymentscorp",
          "EndpointKey" : "uddi:127fb0c3-a749-11e9-ba71-d0c88adc4934",
          "ListenerName" : "default-http0",
          "ContainerKey" : "21e6a509-1a41-411f-a82c-395bb969",
          "GatewayHostName" : "api10069sandbox.localhost",
          "GatewayHostPath" : "/",
          "EndpointHostName" : "api10069sandbox.localhost",
          "EndpointPath" : "/",
          "Protocol" : "http",
          "Path" : "/",
          "Url" : "http://api10069sandbox.localhost:7901/",
          "BindingQName" : "{PetAPI_1.0.0}PetAPI_Binding_0",
          "BindingType" : "binding.http",
          "Public" : true
      "ImplementationCode" : "Sandbox"
    } ]
  "Visibility" : "Public",
  "Created" : "2019-07-15T21:37:12Z",
  "Updated" : "2019-07-15T21:39:50Z",
  "State" : "com.soa.api.state.open",
  "ProductionEndpointAccessAutoApproved" : true,
  "SandboxEndpointAccessAutoApproved" : true,
  "RatingSummary" : {
    "Five" : 0,
    "Four" : 0,
    "Three" : 0,
    "Two" : 0,
    "One" : 0
  "SandboxAnonymousAccessAllowed" : true,
  "ProductionAnonymousAccessAllowed" : true,
  "ResourceLevelPermissionsSupported" : false,
  "APIOwnedImplementations" : true,
  "ProductionServiceKey" : "uddi:b4e19fa7-a748-11e9-ba71-d0c88adc4934",
  "SandboxServiceKey" : "uddi:1220044a-a749-11e9-ba71-d0c88adc4934",
  "APIImplementations" : {
    "APIImplementation" : [ {
      "Name" : "PetAPI_v1_Live",
      "ImplementationCode" : "Live",
      "Description" : "This is a sample server Petstore server.  You can find out more about Swagger at [http://swagger.io](http://swagger.io) or on [irc.freenode.net, #swagger](http://swagger.io/irc/).  For this sample, you can use the api key `special-key` to test the authori",
      "Pattern" : "com.akana.pattern.proxy",
      "ServiceKey" : "uddi:b4e19fa7-a748-11e9-ba71-d0c88adc4934",
      "APIBindings" : {
        "APIBinding" : [ {
          "BindingQName" : "{PetAPI_1.0.0}PetAPI_Binding_0",
          "BindingKey" : "uddi:3eb712f3-cbc9-7005-9310-dd243f89820b",
          "InterfaceQName" : "{PetAPI_1.0.0}PetAPI_PortType_0",
          "InterfaceKey" : "uddi:878dfe41-2348-e4a4-0cf3-9117e8bd9b2a",
          "BindingType" : "binding.http",
          "BindingOperations" : {
            "BindingOperation" : [ {
              "OperationName" : "getPetById",
              "WsdlOperationName" : "getPetById",
              "HttpOperation" : {
                "Method" : "GET",
                "Path" : "/pet/{petId}",
                "InputContentType" : "*/*",
                "OutputContentType" : "application/json,application/xml",
                "FaultContentType" : "",
                "Input" : [ {
                  "Name" : "petId",
                  "Type" : "path"
                } ]
            }, {
              "OperationName" : "updatePetWithForm",
              "WsdlOperationName" : "updatePetWithForm",
              "HttpOperation" : {
                "Method" : "POST",
                "Path" : "/pet/{petId}",
                "InputContentType" : "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
                "OutputContentType" : "application/json,application/xml",
                "FaultContentType" : "",
                "Input" : [ {
                  "Name" : "petId",
                  "Type" : "path"
                }, {
                  "Name" : "name",
                  "Type" : "form"
                }, {
                  "Name" : "status",
                  "Type" : "form"
                } ]
            }, {
              "OperationName" : "deletePet",
              "WsdlOperationName" : "deletePet",
              "HttpOperation" : {
                "Method" : "DELETE",
                "Path" : "/pet/{petId}",
                "InputContentType" : "*/*",
                "OutputContentType" : "*/*",
                "FaultContentType" : "",
                "Input" : [ {
                  "Name" : "petId",
                  "Type" : "path"
                } ]
            }, {
              "OperationName" : "findPetsByStatus",
              "WsdlOperationName" : "findPetsByStatus",
              "HttpOperation" : {
                "Method" : "GET",
                "Path" : "/pet/findByStatus",
                "InputContentType" : "*/*",
                "OutputContentType" : "application/json,application/xml",
                "FaultContentType" : "",
                "Input" : [ {
                  "Name" : "status",
                  "Type" : "query"
                } ]
            }, {
              "OperationName" : "updatePet",
              "WsdlOperationName" : "updatePet",
              "HttpOperation" : {
                "Method" : "PUT",
                "Path" : "/pet/",
                "InputContentType" : "application/json,application/xml",
                "OutputContentType" : "application/json,application/xml",
                "FaultContentType" : "",
                "Input" : [ {
                  "Name" : "body",
                  "Type" : "entity"
                } ]
            }, {
              "OperationName" : "addPet",
              "WsdlOperationName" : "addPet",
              "HttpOperation" : {
                "Method" : "POST",
                "Path" : "/pet/",
                "InputContentType" : "application/json,application/xml",
                "OutputContentType" : "application/json,application/xml",
                "FaultContentType" : "",
                "Input" : [ {
                  "Name" : "body",
                  "Type" : "entity"
                } ]
            }, {
              "OperationName" : "findPetsByTags",
              "WsdlOperationName" : "findPetsByTags",
              "HttpOperation" : {
                "Method" : "GET",
                "Path" : "/pet/findByTags",
                "InputContentType" : "*/*",
                "OutputContentType" : "application/json,application/xml",
                "FaultContentType" : "",
                "Input" : [ {
                  "Name" : "tags",
                  "Type" : "query"
                } ]
            } ]
        } ]
      "APIInterfaces" : {
        "APIInterface" : [ {
          "InterfaceQName" : "{PetAPI_1.0.0}PetAPI_PortType_0",
          "InterfaceKey" : "uddi:878dfe41-2348-e4a4-0cf3-9117e8bd9b2a",
          "InterfaceOperations" : {
            "InterfaceOperation" : [ {
              "OperationName" : "getPetById",
              "WsdlOperationName" : "getPetById"
            }, {
              "OperationName" : "updatePetWithForm",
              "WsdlOperationName" : "updatePetWithForm"
            }, {
              "OperationName" : "deletePet",
              "WsdlOperationName" : "deletePet"
            }, {
              "OperationName" : "findPetsByStatus",
              "WsdlOperationName" : "findPetsByStatus"
            }, {
              "OperationName" : "updatePet",
              "WsdlOperationName" : "updatePet"
            }, {
              "OperationName" : "addPet",
              "WsdlOperationName" : "addPet"
            }, {
              "OperationName" : "findPetsByTags",
              "WsdlOperationName" : "findPetsByTags"
            } ]
        } ]
      "Endpoints" : {
        "Endpoint" : [ {
          "CName" : "api10069live.localhost",
          "Category" : "Production",
          "Uri" : "http://api10069live.localhost:7901/",
          "DeploymentZoneRule" : "21e6a509-1a41-411f-a82c-395bb969default-http0",
          "ConnectionProperties" : [ {
            "Name" : "virtualHost",
            "Value" : "api10069live.localhost"
          }, {
            "Name" : "gateway_hostname",
            "Value" : "api10069live.localhost"
          }, {
            "Name" : "visibility",
            "Value" : "public"
          } ],
          "BindingQName" : "{PetAPI_1.0.0}PetAPI_Binding_0",
          "BindingType" : "binding.http",
          "EndpointKey" : "uddi:b5668760-a748-11e9-ba71-d0c88adc4934",
          "EndpointImplementationDetails" : {
            "DeploymentZoneEndpoint" : {
              "DeploymentZoneID" : "21e6a509-1a41-411f-a82c-395bb969.acmepaymentscorp",
              "EndpointKey" : "uddi:b5668760-a748-11e9-ba71-d0c88adc4934",
              "ListenerName" : "default-http0",
              "ContainerKey" : "21e6a509-1a41-411f-a82c-395bb969",
              "GatewayHostName" : "api10069live.localhost",
              "GatewayHostPath" : "/",
              "EndpointHostName" : "api10069live.localhost",
              "EndpointPath" : "/",
              "Protocol" : "http",
              "Path" : "/",
              "Url" : "http://api10069live.localhost:7901/",
              "BindingQName" : "{PetAPI_1.0.0}PetAPI_Binding_0",
              "BindingType" : "binding.http",
              "Public" : true
          "ImplementationCode" : "Live"
        } ]
      "EndpointOAuthDetailsList" : [ {
        "OAuthProvider" : "Oauth1",
        "OAuth10aSupported" : true,
        "OAuth20Supported" : true,
        "Resource" : [ "Scope1", "profile" ]
      }, {
        "OAuthProvider" : "OAuth2",
        "OAuth10aSupported" : true,
        "OAuth20Supported" : true,
        "Resource" : [ "Scope1", "profile" ]
      }, {
        "OAuthProvider" : "Okta",
        "OAuth10aSupported" : false,
        "OAuth20Supported" : true,
        "Resource" : [ "Scope1", "profile" ]
      }, {
        "OAuthProvider" : "com.soa.oauth.provider.third-party",
        "OAuth20Settings" : {
          "AuthorizationEndpointURL" : "http://google.com",
          "TokenEndpointURL" : "http://google.coma",
          "TokenEndpointRequestVerb" : "POST",
          "BearerTokenMethods" : {
            "BearerTokenMethod" : [ "com.soa.oauth.bearer.token.method.auz.header", "com.soa.oauth.bearer.token.method.form.param", "com.soa.oauth.bearer.token.method.url.query.param" ]
        "OAuthTokenResourceURISettings" : {
          "OAuthTokenResourceURIOption" : "com.soa.oauth.token.resource.uri.proxy.url"
        "SupportedGrant" : [ "authorization_code", "client_credentials" ],
        "ClientAuthPolicyOption" : [ "com.soa.oauth.client.public" ],
        "OAuth10aSupported" : true,
        "OAuth10aSettings" : {
          "RequestTokenEndpointURL" : "http://google.comb",
          "AuthorizationEndpointURL" : "http://google.comc",
          "AccessTokenEndpointURL" : "http://google.comd",
          "TokenEndpointRequestVerb" : "POST",
          "TokenParameterTransmissionMethods" : {
            "TokenParameterTransmissionMethod" : [ "com.soa.oauth.token.parameter.transmission.method.header", "com.soa.oauth.token.parameter.transmission.method.post", "com.soa.oauth.token.parameter.transmission.method.querystring" ]
        "OAuth20Supported" : true,
        "Resource" : [ "Scope1", "profile" ],
        "AuthorizationEndpointParameters" : {
          "Parameter" : [ "abc", "def" ]
        "TokenEndpointParameters" : {
          "Parameter" : [ "ghi" ]
      } ],
      "APIImplementationDeployments" : {
        "DeploymentZonesHostingInfo" : [ {
          "DeploymentZoneID" : "21e6a509-1a41-411f-a82c-395bb969.acmepaymentscorp",
          "DeploymentZoneEndpoint" : [ {
            "DeploymentZoneID" : "21e6a509-1a41-411f-a82c-395bb969.acmepaymentscorp",
            "EndpointKey" : "uddi:b5668760-a748-11e9-ba71-d0c88adc4934",
            "ListenerName" : "default-http0",
            "ContainerKey" : "21e6a509-1a41-411f-a82c-395bb969",
            "GatewayHostName" : "api10069live.localhost",
            "GatewayHostPath" : "/",
            "EndpointHostName" : "api10069live.localhost",
            "EndpointPath" : "/",
            "Protocol" : "http",
            "Path" : "/",
            "Url" : "http://api10069live.localhost:7901/",
            "BindingQName" : "{PetAPI_1.0.0}PetAPI_Binding_0",
            "BindingType" : "binding.http",
            "Public" : true
          } ]
        } ]
      "Operations" : {
        "Operation" : [ {
          "Name" : "addPet",
          "OperationKey" : "b4fdb342-a748-11e9-ba71-d0c88adc4934",
          "InterfaceQName" : "{PetAPI_1.0.0}PetAPI_PortType_0",
          "WsdlOperationName" : "addPet"
        }, {
          "Name" : "deletePet",
          "OperationKey" : "b4fb6944-a748-11e9-ba71-d0c88adc4934",
          "InterfaceQName" : "{PetAPI_1.0.0}PetAPI_PortType_0",
          "WsdlOperationName" : "deletePet"
        }, {
          "Name" : "findPetsByStatus",
          "OperationKey" : "b4fc7ab8-a748-11e9-ba71-d0c88adc4934",
          "InterfaceQName" : "{PetAPI_1.0.0}PetAPI_PortType_0",
          "WsdlOperationName" : "findPetsByStatus"
        }, {
          "Name" : "findPetsByTags",
          "OperationKey" : "b4fe9da6-a748-11e9-ba71-d0c88adc4934",
          "InterfaceQName" : "{PetAPI_1.0.0}PetAPI_PortType_0",
          "WsdlOperationName" : "findPetsByTags"
        }, {
          "Name" : "getPetById",
          "OperationKey" : "b4f2ddbb-a748-11e9-ba71-d0c88adc4934",
          "InterfaceQName" : "{PetAPI_1.0.0}PetAPI_PortType_0",
          "WsdlOperationName" : "getPetById"
        }, {
          "Name" : "updatePet",
          "OperationKey" : "b4fd3e0c-a748-11e9-ba71-d0c88adc4934",
          "InterfaceQName" : "{PetAPI_1.0.0}PetAPI_PortType_0",
          "WsdlOperationName" : "updatePet"
        }, {
          "Name" : "updatePetWithForm",
          "OperationKey" : "b4faa5f0-a748-11e9-ba71-d0c88adc4934",
          "InterfaceQName" : "{PetAPI_1.0.0}PetAPI_PortType_0",
          "WsdlOperationName" : "updatePetWithForm"
        } ]
      "AnonymousAccessAllowed" : true,
      "EndpointAccessAutoApproved" : true,
      "ProxyImplementationDetails" : {
        "ProxiedService" : {
          "ServiceKey" : "uddi:b4915d83-a748-11e9-ba71-d0c88adc4934",
          "ServiceName" : "PetAPI_v1_Live_Target",
          "OrganizationKey" : "uddi:b3821020-a748-11e9-ba71-d0c88adc4934",
          "Endpoints" : {
            "Endpoint" : [ {
              "Uri" : "HTTPS://petstore.swagger.io/v2",
              "ConnectionProperties" : [ ],
              "BindingQName" : "{PetAPI_1.0.0}PetAPI_Binding_0",
              "BindingType" : "binding.http",
              "EndpointKey" : "uddi:b4be6035-a748-11e9-ba71-d0c88adc4934"
            }, {
              "Uri" : "HTTP://petstore.swagger.io/v2",
              "ConnectionProperties" : [ ],
              "BindingQName" : "{PetAPI_1.0.0}PetAPI_Binding_0",
              "BindingType" : "binding.http",
              "EndpointKey" : "uddi:b4d14bf6-a748-11e9-ba71-d0c88adc4934"
            } ]
    }, {
      "Name" : "PetAPI_v1_Sandbox",
      "ImplementationCode" : "Sandbox",
      "Description" : "This is a sample server Petstore server.  You can find out more about Swagger at [http://swagger.io](http://swagger.io) or on [irc.freenode.net, #swagger](http://swagger.io/irc/).  For this sample, you can use the api key `special-key` to test the authori",
      "Pattern" : "com.akana.pattern.proxy",
      "ServiceKey" : "uddi:1220044a-a749-11e9-ba71-d0c88adc4934",
      "APIBindings" : {
        "APIBinding" : [ {
          "BindingQName" : "{PetAPI_1.0.0}PetAPI_Binding_0",
          "BindingKey" : "uddi:3eb712f3-cbc9-7005-9310-dd243f89820b",
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          "InterfaceKey" : "uddi:878dfe41-2348-e4a4-0cf3-9117e8bd9b2a",
          "BindingType" : "binding.http",
          "BindingOperations" : {
            "BindingOperation" : [ {
              "OperationName" : "getPetById",
              "WsdlOperationName" : "getPetById",
              "HttpOperation" : {
                "Method" : "GET",
                "Path" : "/pet/{petId}",
                "InputContentType" : "*/*",
                "OutputContentType" : "application/json,application/xml",
                "FaultContentType" : "",
                "Input" : [ {
                  "Name" : "petId",
                  "Type" : "path"
                } ]
            }, {
              "OperationName" : "updatePetWithForm",
              "WsdlOperationName" : "updatePetWithForm",
              "HttpOperation" : {
                "Method" : "POST",
                "Path" : "/pet/{petId}",
                "InputContentType" : "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
                "OutputContentType" : "application/json,application/xml",
                "FaultContentType" : "",
                "Input" : [ {
                  "Name" : "petId",
                  "Type" : "path"
                }, {
                  "Name" : "name",
                  "Type" : "form"
                }, {
                  "Name" : "status",
                  "Type" : "form"
                } ]
            }, {
              "OperationName" : "deletePet",
              "WsdlOperationName" : "deletePet",
              "HttpOperation" : {
                "Method" : "DELETE",
                "Path" : "/pet/{petId}",
                "InputContentType" : "*/*",
                "OutputContentType" : "*/*",
                "FaultContentType" : "",
                "Input" : [ {
                  "Name" : "petId",
                  "Type" : "path"
                } ]
            }, {
              "OperationName" : "findPetsByStatus",
              "WsdlOperationName" : "findPetsByStatus",
              "HttpOperation" : {
                "Method" : "GET",
                "Path" : "/pet/findByStatus",
                "InputContentType" : "*/*",
                "OutputContentType" : "application/json,application/xml",
                "FaultContentType" : "",
                "Input" : [ {
                  "Name" : "status",
                  "Type" : "query"
                } ]
            }, {
              "OperationName" : "updatePet",
              "WsdlOperationName" : "updatePet",
              "HttpOperation" : {
                "Method" : "PUT",
                "Path" : "/pet/",
                "InputContentType" : "application/json,application/xml",
                "OutputContentType" : "application/json,application/xml",
                "FaultContentType" : "",
                "Input" : [ {
                  "Name" : "body",
                  "Type" : "entity"
                } ]
            }, {
              "OperationName" : "addPet",
              "WsdlOperationName" : "addPet",
              "HttpOperation" : {
                "Method" : "POST",
                "Path" : "/pet/",
                "InputContentType" : "application/json,application/xml",
                "OutputContentType" : "application/json,application/xml",
                "FaultContentType" : "",
                "Input" : [ {
                  "Name" : "body",
                  "Type" : "entity"
                } ]
            }, {
              "OperationName" : "findPetsByTags",
              "WsdlOperationName" : "findPetsByTags",
              "HttpOperation" : {
                "Method" : "GET",
                "Path" : "/pet/findByTags",
                "InputContentType" : "*/*",
                "OutputContentType" : "application/json,application/xml",
                "FaultContentType" : "",
                "Input" : [ {
                  "Name" : "tags",
                  "Type" : "query"
                } ]
            } ]
        } ]
      "APIInterfaces" : {
        "APIInterface" : [ {
          "InterfaceQName" : "{PetAPI_1.0.0}PetAPI_PortType_0",
          "InterfaceKey" : "uddi:878dfe41-2348-e4a4-0cf3-9117e8bd9b2a",
          "InterfaceOperations" : {
            "InterfaceOperation" : [ {
              "OperationName" : "getPetById",
              "WsdlOperationName" : "getPetById"
            }, {
              "OperationName" : "updatePetWithForm",
              "WsdlOperationName" : "updatePetWithForm"
            }, {
              "OperationName" : "deletePet",
              "WsdlOperationName" : "deletePet"
            }, {
              "OperationName" : "findPetsByStatus",
              "WsdlOperationName" : "findPetsByStatus"
            }, {
              "OperationName" : "updatePet",
              "WsdlOperationName" : "updatePet"
            }, {
              "OperationName" : "addPet",
              "WsdlOperationName" : "addPet"
            }, {
              "OperationName" : "findPetsByTags",
              "WsdlOperationName" : "findPetsByTags"
            } ]
        } ]
      "Endpoints" : {
        "Endpoint" : [ {
          "CName" : "api10069sandbox.localhost",
          "Category" : "Sandbox",
          "Uri" : "http://api10069sandbox.localhost:7901/",
          "DeploymentZoneRule" : "21e6a509-1a41-411f-a82c-395bb969default-http0",
          "ConnectionProperties" : [ {
            "Name" : "virtualHost",
            "Value" : "api10069sandbox.localhost"
          }, {
            "Name" : "gateway_hostname",
            "Value" : "api10069sandbox.localhost"
          }, {
            "Name" : "visibility",
            "Value" : "public"
          } ],
          "BindingQName" : "{PetAPI_1.0.0}PetAPI_Binding_0",
          "BindingType" : "binding.http",
          "EndpointKey" : "uddi:127fb0c3-a749-11e9-ba71-d0c88adc4934",
          "EndpointImplementationDetails" : {
            "DeploymentZoneEndpoint" : {
              "DeploymentZoneID" : "21e6a509-1a41-411f-a82c-395bb969.acmepaymentscorp",
              "EndpointKey" : "uddi:127fb0c3-a749-11e9-ba71-d0c88adc4934",
              "ListenerName" : "default-http0",
              "ContainerKey" : "21e6a509-1a41-411f-a82c-395bb969",
              "GatewayHostName" : "api10069sandbox.localhost",
              "GatewayHostPath" : "/",
              "EndpointHostName" : "api10069sandbox.localhost",
              "EndpointPath" : "/",
              "Protocol" : "http",
              "Path" : "/",
              "Url" : "http://api10069sandbox.localhost:7901/",
              "BindingQName" : "{PetAPI_1.0.0}PetAPI_Binding_0",
              "BindingType" : "binding.http",
              "Public" : true
          "ImplementationCode" : "Sandbox"
        } ]
      "EndpointOAuthDetailsList" : [ {
        "OAuthProvider" : "Oauth1",
        "OAuth10aSupported" : true,
        "OAuth20Supported" : true,
        "Resource" : [ "Scope1", "profile" ]
      }, {
        "OAuthProvider" : "OAuth2",
        "OAuth10aSupported" : true,
        "OAuth20Supported" : true,
        "Resource" : [ "Scope1", "profile" ]
      }, {
        "OAuthProvider" : "Okta",
        "OAuth10aSupported" : false,
        "OAuth20Supported" : true,
        "Resource" : [ "Scope1", "profile" ]
      }, {
        "OAuthProvider" : "com.soa.oauth.provider.third-party",
        "OAuth20Settings" : {
          "AuthorizationEndpointURL" : "http://google.com",
          "TokenEndpointURL" : "http://google.coma",
          "TokenEndpointRequestVerb" : "POST",
          "BearerTokenMethods" : {
            "BearerTokenMethod" : [ "com.soa.oauth.bearer.token.method.auz.header", "com.soa.oauth.bearer.token.method.form.param", "com.soa.oauth.bearer.token.method.url.query.param" ]
        "OAuthTokenResourceURISettings" : {
          "OAuthTokenResourceURIOption" : "com.soa.oauth.token.resource.uri.proxy.url"
        "SupportedGrant" : [ "authorization_code", "client_credentials" ],
        "ClientAuthPolicyOption" : [ "com.soa.oauth.client.public" ],
        "OAuth10aSupported" : true,
        "OAuth10aSettings" : {
          "RequestTokenEndpointURL" : "http://google.comb",
          "AuthorizationEndpointURL" : "http://google.comc",
          "AccessTokenEndpointURL" : "http://google.comd",
          "TokenEndpointRequestVerb" : "POST",
          "TokenParameterTransmissionMethods" : {
            "TokenParameterTransmissionMethod" : [ "com.soa.oauth.token.parameter.transmission.method.header", "com.soa.oauth.token.parameter.transmission.method.post", "com.soa.oauth.token.parameter.transmission.method.querystring" ]
        "OAuth20Supported" : true,
        "Resource" : [ "Scope1", "profile" ],
        "AuthorizationEndpointParameters" : {
          "Parameter" : [ "abc", "def" ]
        "TokenEndpointParameters" : {
          "Parameter" : [ "ghi" ]
      } ],
      "APIImplementationDeployments" : {
        "DeploymentZonesHostingInfo" : [ {
          "DeploymentZoneID" : "21e6a509-1a41-411f-a82c-395bb969.acmepaymentscorp",
          "DeploymentZoneEndpoint" : [ {
            "DeploymentZoneID" : "21e6a509-1a41-411f-a82c-395bb969.acmepaymentscorp",
            "EndpointKey" : "uddi:127fb0c3-a749-11e9-ba71-d0c88adc4934",
            "ListenerName" : "default-http0",
            "ContainerKey" : "21e6a509-1a41-411f-a82c-395bb969",
            "GatewayHostName" : "api10069sandbox.localhost",
            "GatewayHostPath" : "/",
            "EndpointHostName" : "api10069sandbox.localhost",
            "EndpointPath" : "/",
            "Protocol" : "http",
            "Path" : "/",
            "Url" : "http://api10069sandbox.localhost:7901/",
            "BindingQName" : "{PetAPI_1.0.0}PetAPI_Binding_0",
            "BindingType" : "binding.http",
            "Public" : true
          } ]
        } ]
      "Operations" : {
        "Operation" : [ {
          "Name" : "addPet",
          "OperationKey" : "1239a6e5-a749-11e9-ba71-d0c88adc4934",
          "InterfaceQName" : "{PetAPI_1.0.0}PetAPI_PortType_0",
          "WsdlOperationName" : "addPet"
        }, {
          "Name" : "deletePet",
          "OperationKey" : "12364b77-a749-11e9-ba71-d0c88adc4934",
          "InterfaceQName" : "{PetAPI_1.0.0}PetAPI_PortType_0",
          "WsdlOperationName" : "deletePet"
        }, {
          "Name" : "findPetsByStatus",
          "OperationKey" : "12375ceb-a749-11e9-ba71-d0c88adc4934",
          "InterfaceQName" : "{PetAPI_1.0.0}PetAPI_PortType_0",
          "WsdlOperationName" : "findPetsByStatus"
        }, {
          "Name" : "findPetsByTags",
          "OperationKey" : "123ab859-a749-11e9-ba71-d0c88adc4934",
          "InterfaceQName" : "{PetAPI_1.0.0}PetAPI_PortType_0",
          "WsdlOperationName" : "findPetsByTags"
        }, {
          "Name" : "getPetById",
          "OperationKey" : "123476ae-a749-11e9-ba71-d0c88adc4934",
          "InterfaceQName" : "{PetAPI_1.0.0}PetAPI_PortType_0",
          "WsdlOperationName" : "getPetById"
        }, {
          "Name" : "updatePet",
          "OperationKey" : "12386e5f-a749-11e9-ba71-d0c88adc4934",
          "InterfaceQName" : "{PetAPI_1.0.0}PetAPI_PortType_0",
          "WsdlOperationName" : "updatePet"
        }, {
          "Name" : "updatePetWithForm",
          "OperationKey" : "12353a03-a749-11e9-ba71-d0c88adc4934",
          "InterfaceQName" : "{PetAPI_1.0.0}PetAPI_PortType_0",
          "WsdlOperationName" : "updatePetWithForm"
        } ]
      "AnonymousAccessAllowed" : true,
      "EndpointAccessAutoApproved" : true,
      "ProxyImplementationDetails" : {
        "ProxiedService" : {
          "ServiceKey" : "uddi:11f1a107-a749-11e9-ba71-d0c88adc4934",
          "ServiceName" : "PetAPI_v1_Sandbox_Target",
          "OrganizationKey" : "uddi:b3821020-a748-11e9-ba71-d0c88adc4934",
          "Endpoints" : {
            "Endpoint" : [ {
              "Uri" : "http://opencloud.soa.com:7901",
              "ConnectionProperties" : [ ],
              "BindingQName" : "{PetAPI_1.0.0}PetAPI_Binding_0",
              "BindingType" : "binding.http",
              "EndpointKey" : "uddi:121a8609-a749-11e9-ba71-d0c88adc4934"
            } ]
    } ]
  "APIDesign" : {
    "BindingType" : [ "binding.http" ],
    "CommonDesign" : true,
    "DesignServiceKey" : "uddi:b3aaf4e1-a748-11e9-ba71-d0c88adc4934"
  "APIVersionOAuthResourceMapping" : {
    "Resource" : [ "Scope1", "profile" ]
  "Links" : [ {
    "rel" : "design",
    "href" : "/api/apis/versions/a7ece9ef-e4cd-4bac-9868-31fde66c516e.acmepaymentscorp/design?specification=swagger2",
    "type" : "GET",
    "title" : "Swagger2"
  }, {
    "rel" : "design",
    "href" : "/api/apis/versions/a7ece9ef-e4cd-4bac-9868-31fde66c516e.acmepaymentscorp/design?specification=oas3",
    "type" : "GET",
    "title" : "OAS3"
  } ]

Request Headers

For general information on request header values, refer to HTTP Request Headers.

Header Description
Accept Any Accept header value that supports a response Content-Type of text/plain is valid; for example, */*.
Accept application/vnd.soa.v2019+json
Cookie AtmoAuthToken_{fedmemberid}={cookie value, which usually starts with TokenID}—The platform cookie. This is the Akana API Platform authorization token, and must be sent with every API request that requires login. For more information and an example, see Session cookies.
X-Csrf-Token_{fedmemberID} The CSRF prevention header; may or may not be required, depending on platform settings. See CSRF Prevention on the Platform. By default, the CSRF header is not required for GET operations and is required for all others, with a few exceptions relating to user login.

Request Parameters

Parameter Parm Type Data Type Required Description
APIVersionID Path String Required The unique ID for a specific API version.
oauthDetails Form data APIVersionOAuthDetails Required Includes OAuth information about an API version, such as OAuth version and settings.


If successful, this operation returns HTTP status code 200. There is no response body.

Sample Response

The sample response below shows that the request message was successfully received.

Sample response headers

Status Code: 204 No Content
Date: Mon, 15 Jul 2019 21:44:57 GMT

Sample response body


Response Headers

For general information on response header values, refer to HTTP Response Headers.

Header Description
Content-Type text/plain

Response Body


Error Codes/Messages

If the call is unsuccessful an error code/message is returned. One or more examples of possible errors for this operation are shown below.

Item Value
401 Unauthorized. For example, you would get this response if you didn't include the custom X-Csrf-Token_{fedmemberID} header in the request, when it was required by the platform settings; or if you included an invalid or expired value for this header. You would also get this response for any operation that requires login (almost all) if the login cookie was missing.
404 The resource could not be found. For example, you might get this if you had the wrong HTTP verb.
405 Method Not Allowed. You might get this if there is an error in the URL, or if you used the wrong HTTP verb.
500 An error occurred processing the call.

More information about Akana API Platform API error messages.