Tickets Service: Overview

The Tickets service provides operations for managing tickets about apps or APIs, including the ticket label and the associated comments and marks.

URL: https://{hostname}/api/tickets

Note: Most of these operations take the TicketID as a parameter. You can get this value from the response to the GET /api/tickets operation. For information about any other IDs used in path parameters, see IDs on the Platform.

Action Endpoint Description
comment on ticket POST /api/tickets/{ticketID}/comments Adds a comment to the specified ticket.
delete ticket DELETE /api/tickets/{ticketID} Deletes a ticket.
execute workflow action POST /api/tickets/{ticketID}/actions Executes an action on the specified ticket.
get supported labels GET /api/tickets/labels Returns a list of labels that can be applied to tickets.
get ticket GET /api/tickets/{ticketID} Returns information about a specific ticket.
get tickets GET /api/tickets Returns information about tickets.
get ticket comments GET /api/tickets/{TicketID}/comments Returns the comments for the specified ticket.
mark ticket POST /api/tickets/{ticketID}/marks Marks a ticket.
submit ticket POST /api/tickets Opens a new ticket.
unmark ticket DELETE /api/tickets/{ticketID}/marks/{UserID} Removes the user's mark from a ticket that the user has previously marked.
update ticket labels POST /api/tickets/{ticketID}/labels Updates the label associated with a ticket.