GET /api/workflow/objects/{ObjectID}/actions

Returns information about workflow actions that are valid for the specified resource.

Authorization Roles/Permissions: Must be logged in. Must have visibility of the specified resource.

This topic includes the following sections:

HTTP Method




Sample Request

The example below shows a request for the valid workflow actions for the specified resource.

Request URL #1

With no options selected. In this example, the object is a discussion.


Request URL #2

With optional parameter to include reserved actions in the response. For the response, see Sample response body #4. In this example, the object is an app version.


Sample request headers

Accept: application/json

Sample request body

Not applicable.

Request Headers

For general information on request header values, refer to HTTP Request Headers.

Header Description
Accept application/json, application/xml, application/vnd.soa.v71+json, application/vnd.soa.v71+xml, application/vnd.soa.v72+json, application/vnd.soa.v72+xml, application/vnd.soa.v80+json, application/vnd.soa.v80+xml, application/vnd.soa.v81+json, application/vnd.soa.v81+xml
Cookie AtmoAuthToken_{fedmemberid}={cookie value, which usually starts with TokenID}—The platform cookie. This is the Akana API Platform authorization token, and must be sent with every API request that requires login. For more information and an example, see Session cookies.
X-Csrf-Token_{fedmemberID} The CSRF prevention header; may or may not be required, depending on platform settings. See CSRF Prevention on the Platform. By default, the CSRF header is not required for GET operations and is required for all others, with a few exceptions relating to user login.

Request Parameters

Parameter Parm Type Data Type Required Description
ObjectID Path string Required The unique ID for a specific resource, such as an app, API, or user.
IncludeReservedActions Query boolean Optional Indicates whether reserved actions should be included in the results. Default: false.


If successful, this operation returns HTTP status code 200, with information about the valid workflow actions for the specified resource.

Sample Response

The sample response below shows successful completion of this operation.

Sample response headers

Content-Type: application/json

Sample response body #1

The example below is for user workflow.

  "channel" : {
    "title" : "Custom workflow for managing users",
    "WorkflowObject" : {
      "WorkflowDefinitionKey" : "manage-user-workflow",
      "State" : [ "Setup" ]
    "item" : [ {
      "guid" : {
        "value" : "Change to managed users"
    }, {
      "guid" : {
        "value" : "Change to unmanaged users"
    } ]

Sample response body #2

The example below is for API version workflow. In this example, the only valid action for the object is Submit for Approval.

  "channel": {
    "title": "v1",
    "WorkflowObject": {
      "WorkflowDefinitionKey": "aba30718-a086-407c-99e9-76a1f07060a2",
      "State": [
    "item": [
        "guid": {
          "value": "apiversion.action.submit.approval"

Sample response body #3

In example #2 above, the API version was approved using the POST /api/apis/versions/{ApiVersionID}/action operation. The valid workflow actions for the API version are now Approve or Reject, as shown below.

  "channel": {
    "title": "v1",
    "WorkflowObject": {
      "WorkflowDefinitionKey": "aba30718-a086-407c-99e9-76a1f07060a2",
      "State": [
        "Pending Approval"
    "item": [
        "guid": {
          "value": "apiversion.action.approve"
        "guid": {
          "value": "apiversion.action.reject"

Sample response body #4

In this example, for app version workflow, the optional parameter IncludeReservedActions was included in the request (see Request URL #2), so reserved actions are included in the response.

  "channel" : {
    "title" : "v1",
    "WorkflowObject" : {
      "WorkflowDefinitionKey" : "26ff0d25-2176-4e11-82d1-5acb3078cef3",
      "State" : [ "Setup" ]
    "item" : [ {
      "guid" : {
        "value" : "@Modify"
    }, {
      "guid" : {
        "value" : "@Delete"
    }, {
      "guid" : {
        "value" : "@KeyInfoSaved"
    }, {
      "guid" : {
        "value" : "@KeyInfoRemoved"
    }, {
      "guid" : {
        "value" : "@RegeneratedSecret"
    }, {
      "guid" : {
        "value" : "reserved-allow-cert-upload"
    }, {
      "guid" : {
        "value" : "reserved-connect-to-api.Sandbox"
    }, {
      "guid" : {
        "value" : "reserved-connect-to-api.Production"
    } ]

Response Headers

For general information on response header values, refer to HTTP Response Headers.

Header Description
Content-Type application/json, application/xml, application/vnd.soa.v71+json, application/vnd.soa.v71+xml, application/vnd.soa.v72+json, application/vnd.soa.v72+xml, application/vnd.soa.v80+json, application/vnd.soa.v80+xml, application/vnd.soa.v81+json, application/vnd.soa.v81+xml

Response Body

The response body is in the form of an RSS channel, and includes the items listed below. The RSS version is 1.0. Each item in the channel represents a valid action for the resource, and includes the information listed below.

Name Type Description
Workflow definition key string The name of the workflow.
State string The workflow state values depend on the workflow definition XML file. See Workflow States.
Item string For each item, a unique GUID and user-defined value.

Error Codes/Messages

If the call is unsuccessful an error code/message is returned. One or more examples of possible errors for this operation are shown below.

Item Value
401 Unauthorized. For example, you would get this response if you didn't include the custom X-Csrf-Token_{fedmemberID} header in the request, when it was required by the platform settings; or if you included an invalid or expired value for this header. You would also get this response for any operation that requires login (almost all) if the login cookie was missing.
500 An error occurred processing the call.

More information about Akana API Platform API error messages.