Minor-Version Update Notes

Notes and additional information about upgrading from a major version to a minor version, or updating from a minor version to another minor version; for example, 2019.1.1 to 2019.1.4 or 2020.2.4 to 2020.2.5.

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If you're updating from a major or micro version to a later micro update—for example, version 2020.1.2 to 2020.1.5—it's important to follow through the entire upgrade procedure. Even though it's a micro-release, it's important that you don't miss any steps. Be sure to check for version-specific steps.

Checking for version-specific steps

In some cases, upgrading to a specific micro-version might require an additional step that isn't part of the core upgrade process, such as a specific configuration task.

In defining the upgrade process you're going to follow, check for information in these places:

  1. The main upgrade instructions for the main version you're upgrading to. Go to Upgrading the Akana API Platform (all versions) and choose the correct version.
  2. Release notes for the micro version you're upgrading to: Check for any additional upgrade steps that might be covered in the release notes for the specific micro version. Release notes are available online at https://help.akana.com/release_notes/.
  3. Version-specific upgrade notes, if any, in the upgrade documentation. See Check for version-specific upgrade notes.

Note: If you are upgrading across 2019.1.14, 2019.1.12, or 2019.1.8, you will need to follow a manual step to refresh the Elasticsearch indexes, as explained in the release notes for those versions. In version 2020.2.0 and later, you can do this with an automation recipe. For more information, see Updating the Elasticsearch index.